A business cash advance provides you with the injection of funding to help your business grow.
Cash Advance is based on sales your business will process in the future through your chip and pin machine or online sales.
Your repayments towards your Cash Advance are automatically deducated from each card payment through a small, fixed percentage agreed prior to the term. A loan from a traditional bank usually requires a fixed repayment once a month which can have a negative effect on the cash flow of your business. In Cash advance, if sales in a particular month are low, your repayment will be less. If your business increases sales and with that increase, you will pay back the advance quicker. But it will remain on the same percentage making sure your business has the same cash flow to operate successfully.
Complete the application form today to apply for a business cash advance and our helpful expert team will be in touch.
Why Business Cash Advance?
- Minimal paperwork
- Quick decision
- Unsecured so no guarantees required as security
- No business plan or projected sales necessary
- Flexible repayment options
- Fixed fee with no APR
- No early repayment penalties
- No early repayment penalties
- No other expenses